Removals to Germany has never been easier.
We are a specialist removals company offering fully insured removals services between Ireland and Germany.
Being based in Galway allows us to effectively serve the whole of Ireland, providing a cost effective and reliable solution to your needs.
Galway based Removal Company specialized in removals to Germany with door to door deliveries to and from Ireland, moving and storage at very attractive prices.
We offer free storage up to two weeks for all our customers either before or after collection(handling charge might apply for loading/unloading from our storage), also we sell boxes and packing materials and offering long term storage in Galway at very competitive prices.
So, now that you’ve decided that Germany is the place for you, it’s time to tackle the all-important ‘to do’ list before heading over. This can be quite extensive depending on whether you’re going over for a year on a working holiday, or moving the whole family across indefinitely. If all the aspects of moving abroad are researched thoroughly and given ample time to be achieved, your move will be made significantly easier.
We’ve put together an extensive list of things you should consider to help you get across to Germany prepared and ready to start life’s next adventure.
Look at your visa options
The starting point for any successful move overseas is securing the right visa and, if applicable, your family. If you are not a citizen of the EU, EEA or Switzerland, you must have a visa to enter Germany. Decide what you want to do in Germany (short term working holiday, or longer term employment and residency) and then look into your visa options – we have a great Getting a Visa section to get you started.
Check your passport details
Ensure you and all family members or friends you are travelling with have valid passports that are in date for the full duration of the visa you are applying for (e.g. If you are applying for a short-stay visa your passport must be valid for at least months after the expiry date of the visa). If your visa needs replacing, then do so.
Create a budget
Look into what it will cost for you to move to, and live in Germany. Make sure that you will be able to achieve the standard of living you are hoping for, without doing this you can set yourself up for a bit of a shock! OurWages and Taxes page is a good starting point.
Look at your job options
Once you’ve decided which visa is most suitable for you, you may want to look at job opportunities, visit our Jobs Board to see what is on offer, and read our Getting a Job page.
Update your CV
Ensure you have all your qualifications and work experience listed and up to date, this will allow you to apply for jobs before you arrive, visit our Jobs Board to see what kind of employment is on offer.
Get your trade or qualification recognised
If you have a trade or qualification it’s advisable to have your qualifications formally recognised by the relevant authority in Germany. This may improve your chance of gaining employment in your profession or trade. Visit ourGetting a Job section for more information.
Consider your living arrangements
Do you have property? Will you want to sell it, or rent it out while you are in Germany? Once you are in Germany will you want to stay in temporary accommodation, or move straight into a rental? Will you eventually want to buy, and how much do properties cost? All these questions are important to consider before you move. Visit our uide to property prices on the Germany homepage.
Do you want to ship your household items and maybe even the pets?
If you are going longer term, and you would like to take your household items, the car and even your pets, there are a few things to consider when shipping to Germany.
Look at your financials
Will you need to maintain an account in your home country (e.g. for payments into your account or to maintain bills)? Will you need to open a bank account in Germany so that you can transfer funds to pay for anything before you arrive? Take a look at our Wages and Taxes section for more information
Settle up
Closing down accounts in your home country such as utilities, subscriptions, etc. You don’t want any loose ends or headaches with things that have been left when you are in Germany. Also ensure you have your post re-directed to either a family member or friends address, or have it re-directed to your new address in Germany.
Book your flight
Booking your flights early may mean a great difference in terms of price. Having a definite moving date will also give you something to work towards and will help you get everything organised in time.
Look at health and travel insurance
Now you know you’re travel dates, ensure you have travel or health insurance suitable for your time in Germany. If you are from the EU, you will be able to use your European Health Insurance Card. If you are staying in Germany long-term, it is worth contacting different insurance companies as some of them will offer insurance tailored to expatriates.
Organise a start date
If you have secured a job in Germany, it is advisable to arrange a start date with your new employer before you leave. This will ensure that upon arrival, you have a set amount of time to get adjusted, unpack and begin your new life.
Say your goodbyes
Before you leave, make sure you have said all your goodbyes, provide your new contact details and travel itinerary to your family and friends.
Apply for a German Tax Card
Do this as soon as possible. You must apply for Lohnsteuerkarte through from your local Bürgeramt and then provide this to your employer. Visit ourWages and Taxes page for more information.
If you have children, enrol them into school
Kindergarten is optional for children ages 3 – 6 years, however at age 6 they must enrol in full-time education. This will be compulsory for 9 or 10 years, depending on which German state you are in.
Apply for a German Driver’s Licence
Depending on which country you are from you may have to either exchange your current licence or take the German driving test (theory test and practical test). More information is available from the Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Affairs.
For further information on moving to and living in Germany see our Getting a Job, Getting a Visa and Wages & Taxes sections.